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Get A Perfectly Symmetrical Nose with Rhinoplasty Surgery in Mumbai, India

India's Celebrity Cosmetic Surgeon

Rhinoplasty Surgery in Mumbai, India

Have you always disliked the appearance of your nose due to its shape or size and thought of getting done with it once and for all? Well then, this is the right place to undergo a nose job to provide your nose with a new shape. As one of the most common cosmetic procedures in the world, Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that does wonders in restructuring the shape of your nose.

Rhinoplasty surgery can be performed for cosmetic and functional reasons, such as correcting breathing problems or repairing damage from an injury.

Rhinoplasty as a nose plastic surgery has a long history, with evidence of the procedure being performed in ancient Egypt and India. During the process, the surgeon will make incisions inside the nostrils or outside the nose, depending on the type of correction needed. The surgeon will then reshape the nose cartilage and the bone for you to achieve the desired result.

Rhinoplasty surgery can be performed under general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia with sedation, depending on the extent of the surgery. Recovery time for Rhinoplasty surgery can vary, but patients can typically return to routine work within a week or two after the procedure.

Types of Rhinoplasty Surgery in India

  • Open Rhinoplasty Surgery :

    Open rhinoplasty surgery is a surgical technique used to reshape the nose that involves making a small incision on the skin between the nostrils, called the columella. It allows the surgeon to lift the skin and soft tissues of the nose, providing a better view of the underlying nasal structures.

    During open rhinoplasty surgery, the surgeon can more precisely sculpt the cartilage and bone of the nose, allowing for greater control and precision. This technique is often used for more complex cases, requiring significant reshaping or reconstruction of the nasal structures.

    The incision during open rhinoplasty surgery typically heals well and is barely visible once fully healed. The procedure does require more time and skill than closed rhinoplasty and may result in a slightly more extended recovery period. However, many surgeons prefer the open technique for its improved visibility and control during the procedure.

  • Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery :

    Closed rhinoplasty is a surgical technique used to reshape the nose that involves making all incisions inside the nostrils. It means there is no external incision or visible scarring, making it a popular choice for patients who prefer a more discreet approach.

    During closed rhinoplasty surgery, the surgeon will make incisions inside the nostrils and then lift the skin and soft tissues of the nose to access the underlying cartilage and bone. This technique allows for reshaping and refining the nasal structures, but it may be more challenging for more difficult and complex cases, such as those requiring major reconstruction or grafting.

  • Revision Rhinoplasty Surgery :

    Revision rhinoplasty surgery, or secondary rhinoplasty surgery, is a surgical procedure performed to correct problems or unsatisfactory results from a previous rhinoplasty procedure. It may involve fixing cosmetic issues like asymmetry, deformities, and uneven contours or addressing functional problems such as breathing difficulties.

    Revision rhinoplasty surgery can be complex, as the previous surgery may have altered or weakened the nasal structures. The surgeon must carefully evaluate the patient's nasal anatomy, the extent of the last surgery, and any scar tissue or other issues that may be present.

    The techniques used in revision rhinoplasty may vary depending on the individual's needs and goals but may include grafting or reshaping of the nasal cartilage, bone, or soft tissue. Sometimes, patients may require additional surgeries to achieve the desired results.

  • Liquid Rhinoplasty Surgery :

    Liquid rhinoplasty surgery is a non-surgical procedure involving injectable fillers to reshape and contour the nose. This procedure is sometimes called a "non-surgical nose job" or "liquid nose job." During liquid rhinoplasty, the surgeon injects fillers such as hyaluronic acid into the nose to add volume or fill in depressions. The stuffing can smooth out bumps or irregularities, improve symmetry, or make the nose appear more proportionate.

    Liquid rhinoplasty surgery is quick and relatively painless; no downtime or recovery period is required. However, the results are temporary, typically lasting for several months to a year, after which the filler must be re-injected to maintain the results. It is important to note that liquid rhinoplasty surgery is not a suitable option for everyone and may not be appropriate for cases requiring significant structural changes to the nose. It is also essential to choose a qualified and experienced injector, as there are potential risks and complications associated with any injectable procedure.

  • Septorhinoplasty Surgery :

    Septorhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that combines nasal septum surgery and rhinoplasty. It is performed to correct both functional and aesthetic issues of the nose. The nasal septum is the cartilage and bone structure that separates the nasal cavity into two sides. It helps to support the nose and control airflow through the nasal passages. Septorhinoplasty involves straightening and repositioning the septum to improve breathing and correct deviated or crooked structures.

    In addition to the septum, the external structures of the nose may also be reshaped and refined during the procedure to improve overall appearance and function. It can include reducing the size of the nose, reshaping the tip, smoothing out any bumps or irregularities, or correcting asymmetry. Septorhinoplasty can be performed using open or closed techniques, depending on the extent of the surgery and the surgeon's preference. Recovery time can vary, but patients can typically return to their daily routine within one to two weeks post-surgery.

  • Tip Plasty :

    Tip plasty, also known as nasal tip surgery, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that focuses on reshaping and refining the tip of the nose. This procedure is designed to address specific concerns about the appearance of the nasal tip, such as drooping, asymmetry, or bulbousness.

    During tip plasty, the surgeon will make small incisions at the base of the nostrils or inside the nostrils to access the underlying cartilage and tissue of the nasal tip. The surgeon will then reshape and reposition the cartilage and remove excess tissue, to achieve the desired shape and contour.

    Tip plasty is less invasive than a full rhinoplasty and can often be performed under local anesthesia. Recovery time is generally shorter, with most patients able to return to work or do normal activities within a week or two.

Factors to Consider Before Getting a Rhinoplasty Surgery in India

Before undergoing rhinoplasty surgery, there are several factors that you should consider:

  1. Medical History :

    You should disclose your complete medical history to the surgeon before the rhinoplasty surgery, including any allergies, medical conditions, medications, and previous surgeries. This information will help the surgeon determine if you are a suitable candidate for the rhinoplasty surgery and if any additional precautions need to be taken.

  2. Realistic Expectations :

    You should have realistic expectations about the procedure's results and understand that the outcome may differ from your ideal vision. The surgeon can help you know what can be realistically achieved through rhinoplasty surgery and discuss any limitations or potential risks associated with the procedure.

  3. Recovery Time: :

    Rhinoplasty surgery requires a recovery period, during which you may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort. You should factor the time needed for recovery into your schedule and plan accordingly.

  4. Cost :

    The cost of rhinoplasty surgery in Mumbai can vary depending on the doctor's experience, location, and the extent of the procedure. It would be best if you considered the cost of the process and whether it fits within your budget.

  5. Surgeon's Experience :

    Choosing a qualified and experienced surgeon with a track record of producing good results is essential before the rhinoplasty surgery. You should research the surgeon's credentials, training, and experience and review their before-and-after photos to ensure you are comfortable with their approach and style.

  6. Anaesthesia Options :

    You should discuss anaesthesia options with the surgeon and understand each option's potential risks and benefits. The surgeon can help you determine which anaesthesia is best for you.

  7. Potential Risks :

    Rhinoplasty surgery carries some potential risks, including bleeding, infection, and anaesthesia-related complications. You should understand the potential risks and complications associated with the procedure and discuss any concerns with your surgeon.

Which Types of Nose Imperfections are Treatable through Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Rhinoplasty surgery can address a wide range of nose imperfections, including:

  1. Nose Size :

    If a person's nose is too large, the surgeon may remove some cartilage and bone to reduce its overall size. The surgeon can reshape the remaining tissue to achieve the desired shape and size by making incisions inside the nostrils or outside the nose. On the other hand, if a person's nose is too small, the surgeon may use grafts of cartilage or bone from different parts of the body to increase the size of the nose. The grafts, such as the septum, ear, or rib, are typically taken from the person's body.

  2. Nose Width :

    To address nose width, the surgeon may follow and perform one or more of the following techniques during the rhinoplasty procedure:

    • Osteotomy : This technique involves breaking and reshaping the bones that make up the upper part of the nose. The surgeon can reduce the nose's overall width by narrowing the nasal bones' width.
    • Alar base reduction : This technique involves reducing the size of the nostrils and the base of the nose by removing a small amount of tissue from the area where the nostrils meet the cheeks. It can help to make the nose appear narrower.
    • Tip refinement : The surgeon may also reshape the tip of the nose to make it appear more proportional and balanced to the rest of the face, which eventually helps to reduce the appearance of a broad nose.
  3. Nose Profile :

    To address the nose profile, the surgeon may follow and perform one or more techniques during the rhinoplasty procedure, such as removing or adding cartilage to the tip of the nose to change the projection, straightening the bridge of the nose by breaking and reshaping the nasal bones, or reducing a dorsal hump or bump by removing excess bone or cartilage.

  4. Nasal Asymmetry :

    During this procedure, the surgeon will carefully evaluate the patient's nose and determine the underlying cause of the asymmetry. It could be due to a deviated septum, asymmetrical cartilage or bone structure, or a combination of factors. The surgeon may then use various techniques to correct the asymmetry, such as straightening the septum, reshaping the nasal bones and cartilage, or using tissue grafts to help create a more symmetrical appearance.

  5. Nasal Tip :

    The process reshapes the cartilage of the nose through incisions and sutures to refine and sculpt the nasal tip, correcting issues such as asymmetry, bulbosity, drooping, or upturned tip. The procedure creates a more proportionate, symmetrical, natural-looking nasal tip, tailored to the patient's goals and anatomy.

  6. Nostril Size :

    This technique can reduce nostril size using alar base reduction. The process involves removing a small amount of tissue from the area where the nostrils meet the cheeks, narrowing the base of the nose, and creating a more balanced and proportionate appearance. The procedure is customized to the patient's anatomy and goals.

  7. Breathing Difficulties :

    Rhinoplasty can improve breathing difficulties caused by structural issues within the nose, such as a deviated septum or narrow nasal passages. The surgery can straighten the septum, reduce turbinates, or widen the airways, allowing for better airflow and improved breathing. The procedure is tailored to the patient's specific needs and anatomy.

  8. Nostril Size :

    Rhinoplasty can treat trauma-related nasal deformities by reshaping the bone and cartilage of the nose. The surgeon can correct issues such as nasal fractures, septal deviations, and collapsed nasal valves to restore the appearance and function of the nose. The procedure is customized to the individual's unique needs and anatomy.

Why Consult a Cosmetic Surgeon Before Undergoing Rhinoplasty Surgery in India

Consulting a cosmetic surgeon before undergoing rhinoplasty is essential for several reasons:

  1. Determine if Rhinoplasty Surgery is Right for You :

    A cosmetic surgeon can evaluate your medical history, examine your nasal anatomy, and discuss your goals and expectations for the procedure to determine if rhinoplasty is the best option. The surgeon can also advise you on any potential risks or complications associated with the process and help you decide whether to proceed.

  2. Customized Treatment Plan for Rhinoplasty Surgery in India :

    A cosmetic surgeon can develop a customized treatment plan tailored to cater to your needs and goals. It includes determining the most appropriate surgical technique and the best approach to achieve your desired result. They can also discuss complementary procedures that may enhance your results, such as septoplasty or chin augmentation.

  3. Discuss Realistic Expectations :

    A cosmetic surgeon can help manage your expectations by discussing the possible results of the procedure and providing tangible examples of what can be achieved with rhinoplasty. They can also advise and consult on any limitations or potential risks associated with the process so that you can make a well-read and informed decision about whether to proceed.

  4. Safety and Comfort :

    A qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon can ensure the procedure is performed safely and comfortably. They can explain the anesthesia options available and discuss any measures that will be taken to ensure your safety and comfort from the beginning to the end of the procedure.

  5. Follow-up Care :

    A cosmetic surgeon can provide follow-up care to monitor your healing and recovery and ensure your results are happy and satisfied. They can also offer advice and guidance on caring for your nose during the healing process and answer any questions or concerns.

Benefits of Getting Rhinoplasty Surgery in Mumbai

  1. Improved Appearance :

    Rhinoplasty surgery improves appearance by reshaping the nose to enhance its size, shape, and proportion to the rest of the face. This can improve facial symmetry, correct breathing problems, and enhance overall facial aesthetics, increasing self-confidence and satisfaction with one's appearance.

  2. Enhanced Self-Confidence :

    An individual will naturally gain self-confidence by improving the nose's appearance, which is often a prominent facial feature. By achieving a more balanced and proportionate facial appearance, individuals may feel more comfortable and confident in their skin, leading to improved self-esteem and a more positive self-image.

  3. Better Breathing :

    Rhinoplasty surgery can improve breathing by correcting structural issues in the nose, such as a deviated septum, enlarged turbinates, or narrow nasal passages. Addressing these issues can improve airflow, leading to better breathing and potentially alleviating symptoms such as snoring, congestion, or sleep apnoea.

  4. Correcting Injuries or Birth Defects :

    Rhinoplasty surgery can correct injuries and congenital disabilities by reconstructing the nose to restore its proper function and aesthetics. This can include repairing a broken nose, correcting a cleft or other congenital deformity, or addressing asymmetry or scarring resulting from trauma. Rhinoplasty can improve the appearance and function of the nose, leading to a better quality of life.

  5. Correcting Sleep Apnoea :

    By addressing structural issues in the nose and upper airway that contribute to the condition, Rhinoplasty surgery can correct sleep apnoea. Fixing a deviated septum, removing obstructions or excess tissue, or widening the nasal passages can improve airflow, reducing snoring and other sleep apnoea symptoms and improving overall sleep quality.

  6. Improved Quality of Life :

    Rhinoplasty surgery provides a better quality of life by enhancing the appearance and function of the nose. By addressing aesthetic concerns, individuals may feel more confident and comfortable in their skin. Improving breathing and correcting structural issues can also alleviate symptoms and improve overall health, leading to a better quality of life.

Rhinoplasty Surgery Procedure

One of the most frequently performed cosmetic operations worldwide is rhinoplasty. Despite this paradigm shift, rhinoplasty remains among plastic surgery's most challenging surgical procedures today. Nasal proportions and symmetry, a major facial landmark, are closely related to facial beauty. Even highly skilled surgeons find it difficult to produce consistent results due to technical challenges, various treatments outlined, and other factors.

Technique Used for Rhinoplasty Surgery
  • Anaesthesia :

    Closed and Open rhinoplasty surgery can be performed with general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia and sedation, with similar results in experienced hands. To reduce bleeding, the patient is positioned supine with a slight reverse Trendelenburg.

    Infiltration anaesthesia is the first step of the procedure, whether general anaesthesia or sedation is used. It must be performed meticulously to induce numbness in the nose region and a bloodless operating field. A local vasoconstrictor, such as oxymetazoline, can be administered to the nasal mucosa before the injection.

    Using 1% lidocaine with epinephrine in a 1:100,000 dilution for the anaesthetic solution is preferred. If necessary, 5 to 10 cc of the solution should be enough to permeate the septal mucosa and nasal region.

    Before infiltration, the nasal vibrissae are shaved, the nasal mucosa is treated with a povidone-iodine solution, and the entire face is prepared and draped.

  • Open Rhinoplasty :

    Open rhinoplasty is performed while the patient is under general anaesthetic, and the columella, a cartilaginous structure inside the nose, is cut around the fins under the bridge of the nose. By doing this, the surgeon has better access to the nose's tip, rear, and overall anatomy, including the cartilage, septum, external nostrils, and base. Open rhinoplasty is typically performed when a patient requires a revision rhinoplasty or when the nose and its tip are overly fleshy. The open nose job is also appropriate for those with nasal tumours and congenital conditions, including cleft lip and dermoid cysts.

  • Closed Rhinoplasty :

    All required incisions are made inside the nose during closed (endonasal) rhinoplasty surgery, and the skin is lifted using a specialised tool. Since internal rhinoplasty, sometimes referred to as closed rhinoplasty, is less intrusive, the surgeon has less access to and visibility of various portions of the nose and is limited in their ability to modify the nose's tip. When broad access and considerable alterations to the nose are not required, the surgeons choose this technique.

  • Incisions and Exposure :

    Depending on the surgical design, an approach to the tip area may involve delivery or not delivering the lower lateral cartilage. A trans-cartilaginous or intercartilaginous incision in the lower lateral cartilage or at the intersection of the upper and lower lateral cartilages, coupled with a transfixion incision through the membranous septum, can be used as a non-delivery method.

    When more intricate tip alterations are anticipated, the delivery approach is used. It enables greater visualization, much as an open strategy would. A marginal incision from the lateral crus to the medial crus and a bilateral intercartilaginous incision that link in the midline and can extend to a hemitransfixion incision is made during the procedure. The lower lateral cartilages are "delivered out" of the incisions to be modified by dissecting the soft tissue between the intercartilaginous and marginal incisions.

Post Surgery: Rhinoplasty in Mumbai

How Does It Feel After Rhinoplasty Surgery?
  • It might take two days to get moving, but it will take weeks to catch up completely.
  • Your face will feel puffy for the first 24 hours after surgery
  • In the first couple of days, there may be some minor bleeding.
  • Immediately following surgery, a splint is worn for seven days. Nasal packs can also be employed.
  • Light to moderate postoperative discomfort.
  • You might have a dull headache and a runny nose.
  • Temporary bruising and swelling around the nose and eyes will get worse at first and peak after 2 or 3 days. Most swelling and bruising generally disappear within 2 weeks. However, some subtle swelling (noticeable only to you) will continue for several months.
  • Healing is a slow and gradual process.
  • Some numbness will be present around the operative areas.
  • Black eyes and swollen nose and eyelids for 7-14 days.
  • You may experience some discomfort with breathing.
  • Swollen nasal tissues may cause the nose to seem "stuffed up" for several weeks.

Post-Operative Care: Rhinoplasty Surgery

After rhinoplasty, take your pain meds, soothe your throat, and rest.

  • You'll likely feel cold from being in the operating room when you gradually awaken in the recovery area. You should receive a warm blanket from the nurses.
  • You may experience pain in the sinuses the first hour or two after the anaesthetic wears off. Take any painkillers the staff suggests and try to get ahead of them so you may rest as comfortably as possible. Adjust your pillows so you can sleep primarily upright if your medication has made you tired and you wish to take a nap.
  • Your throat likely feels rather raw, sore, and dry because you had a breathing tube down it during surgery. Cold/hot beverages will ease the pain. Avoid drinking citrus or acidic juices as they can irritate.
  • On the first day, limit your diet to clear liquids and, later, soft meals that you can easily chew. Take it gently on your cheeks and mouth because they will likely be sore.
  • Don't expect the restful good night's sleep of your life that night, whether you stay in the hospital or go home. You'll experience facial pain. Additionally, since you won't be able to breathe through your nose, you'll probably experience a dry throat when sleeping.
  • You will be provided anti-inflammatory meds and painkillers.
  • You will also be propped up at an angle of 45* to prevent swelling.

Risk & Complications of Rhinoplasty Surgery

After rhinoplasty, take your pain meds, soothe your throat, and rest.

  • Pain and discomfort : Pain and discomfort can occur due to surgical trauma to the nose. They can be managed with pain medication and typically resolve within a few days or weeks after the procedure. Mild pain or discomfort may persist for several weeks or months but gradually improves.
  • Bruising and swelling : Bruising and swelling are common side effects of rhinoplasty surgery due to the manipulation of delicate tissues during the procedure. They can cause discomfort and make it difficult to breathe through the nose. Cold compresses and elevating the head can help reduce bruising and swelling, which usually resolve within a few weeks or months.
  • Numbness : Numbness is a potential side effect of rhinoplasty surgery that can occur due to nerve damage during the procedure. It can cause temporary or permanent loss of sensation in the nose, which can concern some patients. In most cases, numbness resolves on its own over time, but in some cases, it may be permanent.
  • Nasal congestion : Nasal congestion occurs due to swelling and inflammation in the nasal passages after surgery. This can cause difficulty breathing through the nose, making the patient uncomfortable. In most cases, congestion resolves within a few weeks or months, but nasal saline sprays and decongestants may help alleviate symptoms.
  • Infection : Infection can occur when bacteria enter the surgical site. It can cause redness, swelling, fever, and other symptoms. Antibiotics are prescribed after surgery to prevent infections, and careful surgical technique and proper wound care can reduce the risk of infection.
  • Bleeding : Bleeding is a common side effect of rhinoplasty surgery due to the manipulation of delicate blood vessels during the procedure. In most cases, bleeding is mild and resolves on its own; however, in some cases, it may be excessive and require intervention. Careful surgical techniques and postoperative monitoring can reduce the risk of bleeding.
  • Scarring : Scarring is a potential side effect of rhinoplasty surgery due to the incisions made during the procedure. Depending on the surgical technique used, the location and length of the incisions may vary, and scarring may be visible. Minimally invasive techniques can reduce scarring.
  • Unfavourable cosmetic outcome : The final cosmetic result may not meet the patient's expectations despite the surgeon's best efforts. It can occur due to inadequate planning, poor surgical technique, patient factors, complications, or unrealistic expectations. It is important to discuss risks with a qualified surgeon and choose an experienced one to minimize the risk of an unfavourable outcome.

Post-Surgery Care: Rhinoplasty Surgery

  • Keep the splint dry.
  • You can use a Q-tip and diluted hydrogen peroxide to remove dried blood from the inside of the nose delicately.
  • Try to go two weeks without blowing your nose or sneezing.
  • For comfort and to aid in drainage clearing, use saline spray or a bulb syringe.
  • Keep your head up when sleeping and use at least two pillows.
  • Use a humidifier or vaporizer to add some moisture to the air.
  • Apply Vaseline to the nares' outer edges.
  • You can take a shower or a bath on day 3. But don't forget to keep your nose dry.

What Kind of Postop Medical Care Should One Expect After Rhinoplasty?

  • Any nasal packing you may have will be taken out after 2 days.
  • Sutures are removed in three days if nostrils are constricted. Within 14 days, all other sutures either fall out or are removed.
  • Visits for follow-up should be scheduled often.

Rhinoplasty Cost in Mumbai

The cost of rhinoplasty surgery in Mumbai, India, varies depending on various factors, including the doctor's experience and reputation, and the quality of the facility. However, complexity of the procedure and nature of treatment also plays a significant role determining rhinoplasty cost in Mumbai. Some other factors influencing the rhinoplasty cost in Mumbai include the type of anaesthesia used, the location of the clinic and the type of services provided by the clinic or hospital’s premises.

It's crucial to note that while rhinoplasty cost in Mumbai is an important consideration, it should not be the only factor when choosing a surgeon. It's significant to select a qualified and experienced surgeon with a track record of producing good results, even if their fees are higher. Additionally, it's necessary to ensure that the facility where the procedure will be performed is appropriately accredited and equipped with the technology and staff needed to ensure a safe and successful outcome.

As a preferred cosmetic surgery procedure, Rhinoplasty cost in Mumbai certainly makes it an affordable yet attractive option for patients in need. Thus, it is of utmost important to consider all the factors determining the Rhinoplasty cost in Mumbai and make a well-informed decision that helps with desired outcome.

Why Rhinoplasty Surgery at Dr. Mohan Thomas Aesthetics?

If you're considering Rhinoplasty, we encourage you to take the step by scheduling a call for a consultation with our Dr. Mohan Thomas Aesthetics team. We at Dr. Mohan Thomas Aesthetics understand the importance of feeling confident in your skin and strive to help you achieve your desired appearance.

Our top priority at Dr. Mohan Thomas Aesthetics is your safety and satisfaction. We only use FDA-approved products and the latest techniques to ensure your treatment is safe and effective. Our highly trained and expert staff with years of experience in the field will help you with all the information needed to make an informed decision about your treatment.

With years of experience, we have a proven track record of delivering exceptional results and providing our clients with world-class care. We understand that undergoing plastic surgery can be a big decision, and we're here to make the process as effortless and stress-free as possible. Our experienced team of cosmetic surgeons uses the latest technology and equipment to provide personalized care to each patient, ensuring your unique needs and goals are met.

Please schedule a consultation, and let our professionals help you step toward a more confident, beautiful you. Our experts will assist you in developing a personalized plan tailored to your needs, and we'll be with you throughout your treatment journey.

Be sure to achieve the appearance you've always wanted. Contact us at Dr. Mohan Thomas Aesthetics today, and let us help you enhance your natural beauty.


Before & After

Get rid of those dark days. Promote and encourage your beauty evolution with us. Recreate and redraw yourself like these before and after happy faces!

Prof. Dr. Mohan Thomas Rhinoplasty Prof. Dr. Mohan Thomas Rhinoplasty

✱ Results may vary person to person.

Prof. Dr. Mohan Thomas Rhinoplasty Prof. Dr. Mohan Thomas Rhinoplasty

✱ Results may vary person to person.


Frequently Asked Questions

We like to assist our clients with a knowledgeable and in-depth collective approach to answer for all your queries and fears with our FAQ mega-base.

Total Time of Treatment

1-3 hours

Anesthesia Type 

General Anesthesia

Pain Level

No pain. Only discomfort for 3-5 days

Hospital Stay 

Stay not required if all is well

Flyback Time

7 days after surgery

Success Rate

Very high 95%. The remaining 5% may need some touch-up for best results

Result - How long does it take for the results to show?

Result is visible in 1 month and best results are seen in 6-12 months.

Dietary Restrictions if any?

Liquid and soft diet for 1 week

Complication Rate

Very rare

Sugery Cost 

INR 1,00,000 - 1,50,000

Side Effects

Swelling, bruising, nasal congestion etc.

Dr. Mohan Thomas and his team only use US FDA approved materials along with International standard of care. So, for the best and safest Rhinoplasty/ Nose surgery in Mumbai, India, please contact Dr. Mohan Thomas Aesthetics at 022-67337500. Please call 022-67337500 to know more about the procedure.

Implants in the nose are used very sparingly because they are not incorporated into the tissue, and being a foreign body it always has an added risk of infection. Dr. Mohan Thomas has used silicon implants to reconstruct the dorsum of the nose in cases of nose deformity and injury. At Dr. Mohan Thomas Aesthetics we routinely use only autologous tissue (cartilage) from your nose or ear to reconstruct structures in the nose. If used solid silicone implants are considered to be the safest among all implants used in the nose.

Nose reshaping surgery at Dr. Mohan Thomas Aesthetics is undertaken as a day care surgery so that you can recover well in your own bed. The first follow up is on the 2nd day when the nose pack is removed. Suture and splint removal is done on the 7th day. Significant swelling and bruising are to be expected on and around of the nose which will last for a few weeks. You will have to sleep straight with your head elevated for 2-3 weeks so that the swelling disappears faster.

Routine activities within the house can be undertaken the next day. It is suggested to stay away from work for a week on account of dressing and splint. Also, it is advised to avoid public and crowded places for 4 weeks because the nose is still healing and pressure on the nose can change the shape. Gradually, you can start exercising after 4 weeks of the surgery.

There is no surgery without an incision and a scar, but Scars in Rhinoplasty are well hidden in the shadow of the columella which is hardly noticeable (in open rhinoplasty) and in the natural crease where the nose joins the cheeks. These scars fade over a few months and are then barely visible.

Secondary Rhinoplasty or Corrective Aesthetic Nose Surgery involves a lot more planning and is technically more difficult to perform than Primary Rhinoplasty (or a first operation) due to the compromised structure and damaged tissues including scar tissue resultant from previous surgical interventions. Persistence, however, pays off and the results although less predictable than the primary operation offer an improvement to the point that the patient’s appearance is enhanced. Unsatisfactory results can happen due to unrealistic expectations, poor healing or postoperative complications, mistakes made by an inexperienced surgeon or some combination of these factors. This is the reason why it is of the utmost importance that the surgeon and patient have an open understanding of what kind of results can be expected. Patients going in for a revision rhinoplasty procedure should be made aware about the extent of damage done by the previous surgery and limitations that can affect the outcome.

A post-traumatic rhinoplasty requires the reconstruction of different parts of the nose, depending on the nature of your injury. Dr. Mohan Thomas will examine the damage to the cartilage, skin, bones, and septum, before deciding on the best course of correction. In some cases, a crooked nose will need to be straightened, and in others, blocked airways will need to be opened. A saddle nose – that is, a weakening of the nose’s mid-section caused by several conditions – will sometimes need to be rebuilt. All of these procedures can be undertaken in a single post-traumatic rhinoplasty surgery if necessary. As the nose is a very vascular area, surgeons may encounter severe bleeding intraoperatively which makes the surgery more complicated. An experienced surgeon such as Dr. Mohan Thomas can handle such situations because of their experience with such surgeries.

Cleft lip and palate are the most common craniofacial deformities in India and is present in 2 % of the population. Cleft lip can be basically of two types: unilateral and bilateral cleft lips. A cleft lip is accompanied by deformity of the nose, teeth, and face. As the child grows the nose and the lip scar becomes a telltale sign of this deformity. Dr. Mohan Thomas and his team at Dr. Mohan Thomas Aesthetics believe in reducing the stigmata of cleft deformity so that the nose looks as close to normal as possible. This surgery is usually undertaken after the age of 18 when their growth is complete.


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