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Cure Loss Of Hair And Baldness With Natural Hair Restoration Treatment In Mumbai, India

India's Celebrity Cosmetic Surgeon

Hair Restoration

Loss of hair and baldness is an embarrassing situation for both men and women. It is often a cause of distress and can lead to a loss of self-esteem and confidence. Moreover, it can also give an appearance of premature ageing. That is why many people look towards advancements in hair restoration for a solution.

For those looking for a permanent and natural solution to hair loss, surgical hair transplants are the ideal solution. Over the past few years, different methods like wigs and hair weavings have been used to replace lost hair. Even though they do a reasonable job of hiding hair loss, they are not the same as real hair. Even worse, these solutions are not permanent and require regular upkeep and thus expenses.

What is a surgical hair Translate?

    Hair restoration surgery involves the removal of hair follicles primarily from the back of the head or from any other part of the body usually the face or chest and then planting them on the hairless portion. It is considered by the medical community to be the only safe and effective way to permanently replace healthy living hair in the balding and thinning areas of the head. Once the transplanted hair has taken root, it is similar to the other hairs on your head and can be washed, cut, coloured, combed and styled in any way you like. The best part about transplanted hair is that it will keep growing for the rest of your life.

Types of hair transplant surgery

    There are two main types of hair restoration surgery that are commonly used. They are FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). Both these methods are equally effective in restoring thicker and natural-looking hair.

Follicular unit transplantation (FUT)

    Follicular Unit Transplantation is a surgical procedure where individual hair follicles are harvested from the donor area usually the back of the head in a strip and transplanted to the area where there is balding. Hair grows back naturally in units of 1-4 strands of hair over a period of 3-6 months.

    The donor area is generally located at the back and sides of the head since hair grows abundantly in those areas as the hair follicles are not influenced by dihydrotestosterone which is the hormone responsible for hair loss. During FUT, the hair from the donor area is removed in a strip. The donor area is then enclosed with a fine suture. Later, the strip is dissected so that the hair follicles can be identified and separated from each other using microscopic dissection. After this is done, the hair is transplanted to the recipient area or areas where balding has taken place.

    Each session in the hair restoration clinic can take a whole day to complete. Sessions of 2000-3000 grafts are common and some physicians even perform sessions above 4000 grafts.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

    FUE is a highly advanced and an intricate surgical procedure which is done on younger patients or those who want shorter hair generally number 1 or 2. The sustainability of this treatment depends on various factors such as the age, expected hair loss and health of the patient.

    This procedure involves the removal of individual follicular units from the donor site. A 0.8-1.0 mm round donor punch is utilized to extract the entire intact follicular unit.

    There are many benefits of FUE hair restoration treatment. It leaves behind a less tender donor area after surgery and gives patients the freedom to wear shorter hair in the donor area. Moreover, it is ideally suited for patients who need few numbers of transplants.

What to expect during hair transplant surgery recovery?

As soon as the surgery is done, the recovery process begins which can take 7-10 days. Here is a general timeline to help you understand what you expect after hair transplant surgery.

    DAY 1: First day following the surgery, the donor and recipient area on the scalp will be sensitive. A blood clot might also form in the recipient area and some blood might enter the area with stitches. On the first day after surgery, patients must get adequate rest after returning from the hair restoration clinic by sleeping with their heads elevated so that any hair grafts do not get detached. Moreover, patients should avoid touching or washing the surgical area and must keep their heads covered so that sun exposure is minimised.

    DAY 2-DAY 4
    The scalp will begin healing on day 2. Tiny crusts might form on the recipient area. The pain will be less as compared to the first day but there will be swelling on the forehead or near the eye which might cause discomfort. During this phase, patients should apply a hot or cold press over the swollen area and avoid sun exposure since sunburn can affect skin pigmentation and damage the newly transplanted hair.

    DAY 5-7
    On day 5 after hair restoration surgery, patients can resume normal activities and regular bathing with shampoo to soften the scabs. By day seven, patients will notice a significant improvement in discomfort, swelling and bleeding. In addition, the grafts will be stronger and less likely to break. Strenuous activities should be avoided for at least another four weeks.

    DAY 1O
    On the 10th day, most of the healing crusts will disappear and hair grafts will be more noticeable in the recipient area. During this phase, it is important to clean the head regularly so that the crusts peel and fall off naturally. Moreover, bath should be taken carefully and special care should be taken while combing so that there is no negative effect on the hair. Green tea and coffee should be avoided for 10 days.

    DAY 11 TO WEEK 4
    The newly transplanted hair will mostly fall off during this phase also known as the resting period. The shedding of hair is also known as shock loss which is not something to be worried about since it is a natural part of the lifecycle of a hair follicle. During this phase, the hair must be washed properly. Rigorous activities and full sports activities can be resumed during week 4.

    MONTH 2-3
    During this phase, hair loss will have reduced if medical treatment has been started simultaneously and new hair follicles will begin growing but they will still not have the expected thickness and texture. If a FUT hair restoration surgery was done, the scar will reduce in size during this period. Your surgeon should be contacted if there are any signs of infection.

    MONTH 4-6
    During this period, the new hair will be thicker and have a better texture. Even though some hair will be pigmented, the hair structure will improve in terms of pigmentation and strength during the next few months. 50%-60% of new hair will grow during these months. Wear a cap and use SPF30 sunblock while going out into the sun to avoid damaging the hair.

    MONTH 7-12
    7-12 following hair restoration treatment, the most significant hair growth takes place. 80-90% of hair growth takes place during this period. Patients must visit the doctor to monitor their recovery and progress.

    MONTH 12-18
    During this period, the expected results of hair results will be visible as 100% hair growth will take place in 18 months.

    It is important to remember that the recovery period will depend on individual genetics. Type of procedure and location of transplanted hair. E.g., the hair in the frontal region will grow faster due to the presence of blood vessels and arteries that encourage hair growth.

Are there some side effects of hair transplant?

    Short-term side-effects of hair restoration surgery include scalp redness, loss of sensation, minor infections and crust formation. Dermoid cyst formation that occurs when the hair follicles are planted too deep is another side effect that can be rectified.

    Long-term side effects of hair transplant include environmental damage to hair follicles and hair growth in the wrong direction due to faulty hair transplantation.

What are the leading causes of hair fall?

    Genetic conditions, hereditary factors or gradual ageing are the main causes of hair loss. In some individuals, the hair follicles are more sensitive to excessive secretion of hormones in the body which leads to the balding or receding hairline in men and thinning of hair in females.

    Long-term side effects of hair transplant include environmental damage to hair follicles and hair growth in the wrong direction due to faulty hair transplantation.

    It is a well-known fact that excessive physical or mental stress affects hair growth and causes excessive shedding of hair. Stress can increase the secretion of androgen which can lead to excessive hair fall or thinness. Sudden trauma, surgery, high fever, accident or shock can also prevent the growth of hair which results in temporary hair loss.

    A diet deficient in certain minerals and vitamins can also be a cause of hair fall. Iron is important for producing hair cell protein. A lack of it can lead to premature hair fall. Vitamin B12 is another nutrient which is necessary for producing RBC and oxygen flow in the body. A deficiency of this vitamin can lead to hair loss and hair thinning as a lack of oxygen in the hair follicles can cause the hair shafts to loosen and fall off.

    A significant amount of hair can be lost if the hair is subjected to harsh chemicals and high temperatures during procedures like perming and straightening. Regular use of heat and excessive hairstyling can weaken hair shafts from the root leading to hair loss or patchy hair.


Before & After

Get rid of those dark days. Promote and encourage your beauty evolution with us. Recreate and redraw yourself like these before and after happy faces!

Prof. Dr. Mohan Thomas Rhinoplasty Prof. Dr. Mohan Thomas Rhinoplasty

✱ Results may vary person to person.


Frequently Asked Questions

If you are thinking of undergoing an FUE hair restoration, it is recommended that you first have a consultation session with a specialized doctor. This is the only way to know if you are a good candidate for the procedure. To determine if you are eligible, the doctor will consider various factors like your age, medical history, the severity of hair loss and the availability of quality donor areas.

Hair transplantation is usually done under local anaesthesia and is so safe that you can watch TV, read a book or have a conversation with your friend on the phone while it is being done.

The right age to undergo hair restoration surgery is 40 and above as this is the age when baldness usually sets in. Now, this doesn't mean that people from other age groups cannot undergo a hair transplant but it is important to get the process done only after consultation with those who have expertise in hair transplantation.

The blood supply of the scalp is enough to sustain the growth of newly transplanted grafts but if the graft is too large or the sites crowded in one area, then the blood supply can get overwhelmed which can lead to poor hair growth, in addition, blood flow can also be compromised by sun exposure and smoking.

Hair restoration treatment of 1,500-3,000 grafts will take 6-8 hours of surgery. Most patients arrive in the morning and get their procedure done by late afternoon.

Generally, within the first 3 months, you can expect to see signs of new hair growth. Between 6 months-1year, you will see significant changes. The hair will be longer, thicker and denser in volume than before the transplant procedure. While it may take some time for the hair to grow completely, the hair that is growing will be permanent and won’t stop growing for a lifetime.

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